வேலைவாய்ப்புகள் பற்றிய தகவல்கள் பெற

CSIR Madras Complex (CMC)

Vacancy Name : Project Assistant Level – II
Educational Qualification : B.E/B.TechTotal No of Vacancy : 02 post
Salary : Rs.12,000/p.m
Job Location : Chennai
Walk in  date to Apply for this job: 18/11/2015
Walk in Address for the Job Vacancy: CSIR Madras Complex, Chennai

  1. For selection for engagement as Project Assistant Level – II for the Project on “Remote Monitoring of WRTS, Kayathar and Integration with Energy Management System (EMS) to be installed at NIWE, Chennai” sponsored by National Institute of Wind Energy (NIWE) tenable at CSIR-CSIO, Chennai Centre
  2. Project Assistant Level-II [2 Nos.] B.E. / B. Tech. Electronics & Communication Engineering / Information Technology) .12,000/- One Year and coterminus with the project

Selection Procedure for CSIR Madras Complex (CMC) – Project Assistant Level – II Post:

    1. Written Test on 18/11/2015.
    2. Shortlisted candidates will undertake face to face interview.
    3. Dates are yet to be announced for the final selection
 Interested candidates may walk-in on Wednesday November 18, 2015 at 09.30 a.m. with an application in the prescribed format appended, along with original and attested copies of certificates and testimonials in proof of Qualification, Age and Community (for SC/ST/OBC) and recent passport size photograph affixed on the application, Candidates who come for interview with incomplete particulars / information will not be entertained. The decision of the Council in any matter relating to this will be final. Interim enquiries will not be entertained and canvassing in any form will be a disqualification. The application format can be downloaded from the website : www.csircmc.re

V.O. Chidambarnar Port Trust

Applications are invited in the prescribed format enclosed from the eligible candidates to fill up 4 posts of Out Door Clerk in the class III scale of pay of Rs.16300 – 38200 in V.O.Chidambaranar Port Trust. The filled in application (separately typed) along with copies of educational and experience certificates attested by Gazetted Officer should reach the undersigned latest by 15.11.2015.


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