A walk in interview will be held on 03.08.2015, 11.00 AM at Mecheri Sheep Research
Station, Pottaneri-636453 for the selection of one number of Research Associate.
Name of the post : Research Associate
Number of post : One
Nationality : Indian
Qualification : Master/doctoral Degree in Veterinary and Animal Sciences
Duties and responsibilities:
Work involves, recording of production and reproduction performances and health
coverage of Mecheri sheep maintained at Mecheri Sheep Research Station, Pottaneri and
associate herds in Salem and Karur districts of Tamil Nadu.
Location : Mecheri Sheep Research Station, Pottaneri, Salem, Tamil Nadu.
However, major part of the work will be recording of production and reproduction
performances and health coverage of Mecheri sheep maintained by the selected beneficiaries in
Salem and Karur districts of Tamil Nadu.
Pay and allowances :
Rs.38,000/- + HRA (Master degree holders)
Rs.40,000/- + HRA (Doctoral degree holders)