Total No. of Vacancies: 05
Job Location: Trichy
Last date for Submission of Application: 18.08.2017
Name of the Post & No of Vacancies:
1. SRF - 02
2. JRF - 02
3. Technical Assistant
Educational Qualification:
1. SRF - Master’s Degree specialization in Instrumentation/ Control/ Power Electronics/ Computer Science Engineering related discipline and Bachelor degree in EEE/EIE/ICE/CSE/IT. Desirable: Knowledge in PLC/DCS/SCADA/IOT is Desirable
2. JRF - Bachelor’s Degree in Engineering EIE/ICE/EEE/CSE/IT. Desirable: Knowledge in PLC/DCS/SCADA/IOT is desirable
3. Technical Assistant - Diploma in EEE/Instrumentation. Desirable: Knowledge in PLC/DCS/SCADA will be preferable