Junior Residents NPG -Dentistry
Eligibility : BDS
Location : Pondicherry
Last Date : 19 Apr 2017
No. of Posts : 2 (UR- 01, OBC-01)
Qualification : a. The candidates should have passed BDS (including completion of one year Internship) or equivalent degree recognized by Dental Council of India. b. Only those candidates who have passed BDS (including Internship) not earlier than two years before the date of walk-in-interview will be considered. It implies that those who have completed BDS or equivalent course (including completion of internship) after 18.04.2015 will be considered. c. Those who had joined Junior Residency (NPG - Dentistry) anywhere else and whose services were terminated on account of unauthorised absence or any other disciplinary/ground, will be ineligible to be considered for these JR (NPG-Dentistry) post even if they otherwise qualify. Indian Nationals only need apply.
Pay : Rs. 60,000/- per month (Consolidated)
Application Fee : Demand Draft for Rs.500/- for General and OBC candidates and Rs.250/- for SC/ST candidates drawn in favour of “The Director, JIPMER, Puducherry-06,” payable at SBI (JIPMER Branch). No fee is payable by Persons with Disabilities. (PWD certificate to be produced)
Hiring Process : Face to Face Interview
How to apply
Interested and Eligible candidates may attend the Written test/Interview to be held on 19.04.2017(08.30 A.M) at Exam Hall, Fourth Floor, JIPMER Academic Centre, JIPMER, Puducherry -06 along with filled in application in the prescribed format with the enclosure of the following certificates in Original and one set of Self-attested copy thereof with a Demand Draft.