Total No. of Vacancies: 37
Job Location: Mahendragiri, Tirunelveli District (Tamil Nadu)
Last date for Submission of Application: 25.10.2017
Name of the Post & No of Vacancies:
ISRO Propulsion Complex Invites Applications for the Following Posts
Technical Assistant (Level 6 in the Pay Matrix)
1. Mechanical - 08
2. Electronics - 03
3. Civil -01
Scientific Assistant (Level 6 in the Pay Matrix)
4. Chemistry - 01
Technician ‘B’ (Level 3 in the Pay Matrix)
5. Fitter - 07
6. Turner - 01
7. Electrician - 01
8. Refrigeration & Air-Conditioning - 02
9. Electronics - 03
10. Welder - 03
11. Photography - 01
Draughtsman ‘B’ (Level 3 in the Pay Matrix)
12. Civil - 01
Fireman ‘A’ (Level 2 in the Pay Matrix)
13. Fireman ‘A’ - 01
Driver-cum-Operator ‘A’ (Level 3 in the Pay Matrix)
14. Driver-cum Operator ‘A’ - 02
Catering Attendant ‘A’ (Level 1 in the Pay Matrix)
15. Catering Attendant ‘A’ - 02
Educational Qualification:
1. Mechanical - First Class Diploma in Mechanical Engineering
2. Electronics - First Class Diploma in Electronics Engineering
3. Civil -First Class Diploma in Civil Engineering
4. Chemistry - First Class Graduation in Chemistry