Total No. of Vacancies: 17
Job Location: Chennai
Last date for Submission of Application: 07.08.2017
Name of the Post & No of Vacancies:
1. Scientist D - 02
2. Scientist C - 04
3. Scientist B - 01
4. Junior Software Engineer - 01
5. Junior Application Engineer - 01
6. Senior Technical Assistant - 02
7. Senior Laboratory Assistant - 02
8. Senior Librarian - 01
9. Librarian - 01
10. PS to Director - 01
11. Accountant - 01
Educational Qualification:
1. Scientist D - First class Master’s degree in Sociology / Social Work from a recognized University (or) equivalent with minimum seven years practical experience in Social research in Community Development/ Livelihood development
2. Scientist C - First class Master’s degree in Marine Sciences (or) first class degree in Engineering / Technology from a recognized University (or) equivalent with minimum three years’ experience in environmental modelling
3. Scientist B - First class Master’s degree in Natural Science from a recognized University (or) Equivalent.
4. Junior Software Engineer - Graduate in Computer Science / Engineering / Technology with two years’ experience in computer programming and software development
5. Junior Application Engineer - Graduate in Computer Science / Engineering / Technology with two years’ experience in computer programming and software development
6. Senior Technical Assistant - Three years regular Diploma in Engineering / Graduate degree from a recognized university with two years’ experience in scientific instruments