Applications are invited for the post of Project Assistant for the following time-bound DBT
sponsored project as per the details given below:
Project title : Climate change and plant-microbe interactions:
consequences for phytoremediation of crude oil
contaminated soils.
Prescribed educational
: M. Sc. in Biotechnology/Microbiology/Environmental
Biotechnology/Plant Biotechnology
Job description : Candidates should be interested in the area of Environmental
Microbiology/Biotechnology/bioremediation. Research
experience in the field of bioremediation/phytoremediation is
desirable but not necessarily a requirement.
Fixed Remuneration : Rs. 12000/month
: 28 (Relaxation admissible as per rules of Govt. of India)
Number of position : One
:One year
The engagement is purely on a temporary basis which may be extended or curtailed
depending on the duration of the sponsored project, satisfactory performance / conduct of the
appointee. The engagement will be co-terminus with the project duration. The engagement shall not
be an appointment in Central University of Tamil Nadu, temporary or otherwise. It would,
therefore, not confer any right/claim, implicit or explicit for consideration for
Interested and eligible candidates may attend interview with bio-data supported by attested
copies of documentary proof of date of birth, educational qualifications, experience and
publications etc on
2nd March 2016 at 10.00 a.m. in the Department of Life Sciences (CLC-II),
Central University of Tamil Nadu, Neelakudi Campus, Thiruvarur – 610 101, Tamil Nadu
(Phone: +9489054295). No TA/DA will be admissible for appearing the interview. No Separate
interview call letter will be issued. Candidates who do not fulfill the prescribed educational
qualification will not be interviewed. No interim inquiries will be entertained in this regard.