Total No. of Posts: 02
Name of the Posts: Group ‘C‘
1. Key Board Player: 01 Post
2. Tabala Player: 01 Post
Age Limit: Candidates age should be between 18-29 years for UR candidates, 18-34 years for SC/ ST candidates, 18-32 years for OBC candidates as on 01-01-2016. Age relaxation is applicable as per rules.
Educational Qualification: Candidates should possess 10th class or its equivalent with 50% marks & Degree/ Diploma/ Certificate course in relevant discipline.
Selection Process: Candidates will be selected based on written test, practical demonstration test/ field trails, testimonials/ prizes.
Application Fee: Candidates have to pay Rs. 100/- (No fee for SC/ ST/ Women/ Minority/ Economically Backward Classes/ women candidates) through crossed Indian Postal Order/ Demand Draft drawn in favour of FA & CAO, South Central Railway, payable at Secunderabad/ Hyderabad.
How to Apply: Eligible candidates may send their application in the prescribed format along with duly attested xerox copies of all certificates by ordinary post to The Assistant Personnel Officer (Rectt & Hq), IVth Floor, Officer of Chief Personel Office, Rail Nilayam, South Central Railway, Secunderabad-500071 on or before 26-10-2015 by 17:00 hrs & 09-11-2015 for remote areas. Superscribe the envelope as “Application for Recruitment in Group ‘C’ Post Against Cultural Quota- Employment Notice No. SCR/PER/CULTURAL/01/2015″ in bold capital letters.
Important Dates:
Last Date for Submission of Application: 26-10-2015 by 17:00 hrs.
Last Date for Submission of Application for Remote Areas: 09-11-2015.