Qualification : 1. Must possess a degree in any discipline. 2. Must have passed Typewriting English Higher Grade and Tamil Lower Grade and Shorthand English Higher Grade & Tamil Lower Grade.
Distribution of Vacancy : General Turn Non Priority – 1
Scale of Pay: Rs. Rs.5200-20800 + Grade Pay Rs. 2800/-
Age for Recruitment (as on 1st January / 1st July of the year) : Minimum Age is 21 years Maximum 30 yrs
Fee : Mode of Payment of Examination Fee where ever applicable Payment of fee should be made by way of demand draft only, drawn in favour of General Manager, K. T. D.C.M.P.U. Ltd and payable at Chennai. Demand Draft can be drawn in any one of the Nationalized Banks/Cooperative Banks and examination feed for each post should be remitted separately. Demand Drafts obtained earlier to the date of advertisement will not be accepted and any other modes of payment like cheque, postal order and cash will not be accepted.